Types of Countertop Finishes

Types of Countertop Finishes A natural stone countertop which happens to be the  most popular choice these days for  homeowners. What about the countertop , selecting the right or wrong type of countertop finish can make a Hugh difference in...

The Best Marble For Countertops

The Best Marble for countertops MARBLE PROSLook: Nothing can rival the look of marble kitchen countertops. There’s a richness to them and a character to the stone that others can’t touch. But what usually arouses people...

What Are The Common Types Of Countertop Edges

What Are The Common Types Of Countertop Edges Countertop edge profiles refer to the different shapes and styles of edges that can be created on the perimeter of a countertop. There are several types of countertop edges to choose from, including beveled edges, ogee...
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