Caesarstone selections

CaesarStone Selections

Caesarstone Quartz

As a premier brand of engineered stone, Caesarstone offers a wide variety of colors and a legacy of quality. Caesarstone Quartz slabs are meticulously crafted and then polished to a perfect finish in a wide range of colors and designs. Every slab then undergoes rigorous quality testing to ensure it meets extremely high standards of color, hue, and consistency.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Caesarstone Quartz Countertops


  • Resistant to scratches

  • Resistant to stains and nonporous

  • Resistant to chips, no new coats of seal

  • Durable and low maintenance


  • Durable but not indestructible

  • They’re also expensive, heavy, and can be damaged by extreme heat and sharp objects.

  • Although they’re resistant to scratches and chips, dropping something sharp or heavy on them can chip edges and corners.